(most of these texts are available online; they are not hyper-linked in an effort to discourage compulsive clicking)
Beth Livermore, “Build a Better Brain” (Psychology Today, Sep. 1992)
Robert D. Kaplan, “The Coming Anarchy” (Atlantic, Feb. 1994)
Winifred Gallagher, “How We Become What We Are” (Atlantic, Sep. 1994)
Patrick Glynn, “Quantum Leap: Parallelism between Quantum Mechanics and Politics” (National Interest, Spring 1995)
Benjamin Schwarz, “The Diversity Myth” (Atlantic, May 1995)
Mark Edmundson, “On the Uses of a Liberal Education” (Harper’s, Sep. 1997)
Michael Kneissle, “Research into Changes in Brain Formation” (Waldorf Education Research Institute Newsletter, 1997)
Todd Oppenheimer, “The Computer Delusion” (Atlantic, July 1997)
Christopher Hitchens, “Goodbye to All That: Why Americans Are Not Taught History” (Harper’s, Nov. 1998)
Jonathan Dee, “But Is It Advertising?” (Harper’s, Jan. 1999)
Thomas Frank, “Brand You” (Harper’s, July 1999)
Martha Herbert, “Sophistry or Sensitive Science?” (interview, Wild Duck Review, 2000)
Bosworth, “The Spirit of Capitalism, 2000: Emotional Maturity of Adults” (Public Interest, Winter 2000)
Theodore Dalrymple, "All Sex, All the Time" (City Journal, Summer 2000)
Jonathan Rowe, “Get out and Annoy Someone” (Washington Monthly, Nov. 2000)
Abraham Lincoln, “The Gettysburg PowerPoint Presentation” (19 Nov. 1863)
Joab Jackson, “PowerPointless” (Baltimore City Paper, 28 March – 3 Apr. 2001)
Norman Doidge, “The Woman Who Fixed Her Own Brain” (Saturday Night, 26 May 2001)
Theodore Dalrymple, “The Dystopian Imagination” (City Journal, Autumn 2001)
Clive Thompson, “PowerPoint Makes You Dumb” (New York Times, 14 Dec. 2003)
David Brooks, “The Organization Kid” (Atlantic, Apr. 2001)
George Eastman, “Teaching in the Digital Age” (Berklee Today, Spring 2001)
Robert Kubey and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, “Television Addiction Is No Mere Metaphor” (Scientific American, 23 Feb. 2002)
John Schwartz, “Professors Vie With Web for Class's Attention” (New York Times, 2 Jan. 2003)
Sandra Blakeslee, “Hijacking the Brain Circuits With a Nickel Slot Machine” (New York Times, 19 Feb. 2002)
Thomas de Zengotita, “The Numbing of the American Mind” (Harper’s, Apr. 2002)
The Economist, “Open Your Mind” (23 May 2002)
Barry Lynn, “Unmade in America” (Harper’s, June 2002)
Thomas de Zengotita, “The Gunfire Dialogues” (Harper’s, July 2002)
Gary Taubes, “What if It’s All Been a Big Fat Lie?” (New York Times, 7 July 2002)
Ted C. Fishman, “Making a Killing” (Harper’s, Aug. 2002)
Lewis H. Lapham, “The American Rome” (Harper’s, Aug. 2002)
Joseph Stiglitz, “The Roaring Nineties” (Atlantic, Oct. 2002)
Howard W. French, “South Korea's Real Rage for Virtual Games” (New York Times, 9 Oct. 2002)
Paul Krugman, “For Richer” (New York Times Magazine, 20 Oct. 2002)
Erica Goode, “The Heavy Cost of Chronic Stress” (New York Times, 17 Dec. 2002)
Anna Fels, “The Mind Explains It All” (New York Times, 17 Dec. 2002)
Henry Fountain, “In Search of Good Health? Try a Bad Attitude” (New York Times, 27 Dec. 2002)
Peter Monaghan, “Taking On 'Rational Man': Dissident Economists Fight for a Niche in the Discipline” (Chronicle of Higher Education, 24 Jan. 2003)
Caitlin Flanagan, “Wifeley Duty” (Atlantic, Jan. 2003)
David Coleman, “Finding Happiness: Cajole Your Brain to Lean to the Left” (New York Times, 3 Feb. 2003)
Ronald Bailey, “The Battle for Your Brain (Reason Online, Feb. 2003)
Jonathan Rauch, “Caring for Your Introvert” (Atlantic, March 2003)
Michiko Kakutani, “Shock, Awe, and Razzmatazz in the Sequel” (New York Times, 25 March 2003)
Sharon Begley, “East Versus West: One Sees Big Picture, Other Is Focused” (Wall Street Journal, 28 March 2003)
Theodore Dalrymple, “After Empire” (City Journal, Spring 2003)
Michelle Conlin, “The New Gender Gap” (Business Week, 26 May 2003)
Ariel Levy, “Pill Culture Pops” (New York Magazine, 9 June 2003)
Richard C. Saltus, “Lack Direction? Evaluate Your Brain’s C.E.O.” (New York Times, 26 Aug. 2003)
The Daily Telegraph, “When in Italy, Plan to Go Home” (27 Aug. 2003)
Kirp, “Education for Profit” (Public Interest, Summer 2003)
Alexander Stille, “Italy: The Family Business” (New York Review of Books, 9 October 2003)
Katha Pollitt, “In the Family’s Way” (London Review of Books, Sep. 2003)
Louis J. Elsas, “Statement for the Labor and Human Resources Committee, U.S. Senate” (on the health effects of Aspartame)
Frank Rich, “The Audio-Animatronic Candidate” (New York Times, 12 Oct. 2003)
Lisa Belkin, “The Opt-out Revolution” (New York Times Magazine, 26 Oct. 2003)
Sandra Tsing Loh, “Nannyhood and Apple Pie” (Atlantic, Oct. 2003)
Jennifer Egan, “Love in the Time of No Time” (The New York Times Magazine, 23 Nov. 2003)
Rebecca Mead, “Love for Sale” (New Yorker, 24 Nov. 2003)
Jenni Russell, “The Selfish Generation” (Guardian, 6 Dec. 2003)
Sandra Tsing Loh, “Burgher Deluxe” (Atlantic, Dec. 2003)
Hans Zeiger, “The Degenerate Generation” (mensnewsdaily.com, 12 Dec. 2003)
Warren St.John, “In an Oversexed Age, More Guys Take a Pill” (New York Times, 14 Dec. 2003)
Barry Schwartz, “The Tyranny of Choice” (Chronicle of Higher Education, 24 Jan. 2004)
Frank Rich, “What's Love Got to Do With It?” (New York Times, 1 Feb. 2004)
Peter T. Kilborn, “Funerals With a Custom Fit Lighten Up a Solemn Rite” (New York Times, 12 Feb. 2004)
Frank Rich, My Hero, “Janet Jackson” (New York Times, 15 Feb. 2004)
Caitlin Flanagan, “How Serfdom Saved the Women’s Movement” (Atlantic, March 2004)
Christine Rosen, “The Democratization of Beauty” (New Atlantis, Spring 2004)
Robin Marantz Henig, “The Quest to Forget” (New York Times Magazine, 4 April 2004)
Theodore Dalrymple, “The Case for Cannibalism” (City Journal, Spring 2004)
Christine Rosen, “Our Cell Phones, Ourselves” (New Atlantis, Summer 2004)
Laura Spinney, “I'm Not Guilty - But My Brain Is,” (Guardian, 12 Aug. 2004)
Cristine Rosen, “The Age of Egocasting” (New Atlantis, Fall 2004/Spring 2005)
Theodore Dalrymple, "The Frivolity of Evil" (City Journal, Autumn 2004)
Kay S. Hymowitz, “Capitalists on Steroids” (City Journal, Winter 2005)
Marc Kaufman, “Meditation Gives Brain a Charge, Study Finds” (Washington Post, 3 Jan. 2005)
Whittaker Chambers, "Big Sister {Ayn Rand] Is Watching You" (National Review, 5 Jan. 2005)
The Economist, “Can Studying the Human Brain Revolutionise Economics?” (13 Jan. 2005)
Benedict Carey, “Hypomanic? Absolutely. But Oh So Productive!” (New York Times, 22 March 2005)
Ken Auletta, “The New Pitch: Do Ads Still Work?” (New Yorker, 28 March 2005)
Brian Greene, “One Hundred Years of Uncertainty” (New York Times, 8 April 2005)
Michael Horsnell, “ Why Texting Harms Your IQ,” (Times, 22 April 2005)
Paul J. Cella III, “Technology and the Spirit of Ownership” (New Atlantis, Summer 2005)
Louise Story, “A Business Built on the Troubles of Teenagers” (New York Times, 17 Aug. 2005)
Christine Rosen, “The Image Culture” (New Atlantis, Fall 2005)
Christine Rosen, “The Overpraised American” (Policy Review, 1 Oct. 2005)
Adam Sternbergh, “Up with Grups,” (New York Magazine, 2006)
Theodore Dalrymple, "A Prophetic and Violent Masterpiece" (City Journal, Winter 2006)
John Rapley, “The New Middle Ages” (Foreign Affairs, May/June 2006)
Matthew Stewart, “The Management Myth” (Atlantic, June 2006)
Matthew B. Crawford, “Shop Class as Soulcraft” (New Atlantis, Summer 2006)
CBS News, “Detox For Video Game Addiction?” (3 July 2006)
Sylvia Ann Hewlett and Carolyn Buck Luce, “Extreme Jobs: The Dangerous Allure of the 70-Hour Workweek” (Harvard Business Review, 1 Dec. 2006)
Emily Nussbaum, “Say Everything,” (New York Magazine, 2007)
Michael Pollan, “Unhappy Meals” (New York Times, 28 Jan. 2007)
Matthew B. Crawford, “Political Pseudoscience” (New Atlantis, Spring 2007)
Roy F. Baumeister, “Is There Anything Good about Men? (denisdutton.com)
Christine Rosen, “Virtual Friendship and the New Narcissism” (New Atlantis, Summer 2007)
Lee Harris, “Drug Addiction and the Open Society” (New Atlantis, Summer 2007)
Ron Charles, “Harry Potter and the Death of Reading” (Washington Post, 15 July 2007)
Kay S. Hymowitz, “Service Learning” (Wall Street Journal, 3 Aug. 2007)
Ashley Merryman, “How to Get Kids to Sleep More” (New York Magazine)
Po Bronson, “Snooze or Lose” (New York Magazine)
Jan Hoffman, “In a Competitive Middle School, Triage for Aches and Anxieties” (New York Times, 16 Oct. 2007)
Thomas Friedman, “Remember Iraq” (New York Times, 24 Oct. 2007)
Alex Williams, “Too Much Information? Ignore It” (New York Times, 11 Nov. 2007)
Kay S. Hymowitz, “The New Girl Order” (City Journal, Autumn 2007)
Walter Kirn, “The Autumn of the Multitaskers” (Atlantic, Nov. 2007)
Alan Finder, “Giving Disorganized Boys the Tools of Success,” (New York Times, 1 Jan. 2008)
Elizabeth Kolbert, “What Was I Thinking? The Latest Reasoning about Our Irrational Ways” (New Yorker, 25 Jan. 2008)
Kay S. Hymowitz, “Child-Man in the Promised Land” (City Journal, Winter 2008)
Susan Jacoby, “The Dumbing of America” (Washington Post, 17 Feb. 2008)
Stephanie Rosenbloom, “Sorry, Boys, This Is Our Domain” (New York Times, 21 Feb. 2008)
Randall Patterson, “Students of Virginity” (New York Times, 30 March 2008)
Caitrin Nicol, “Brave New World at 75” (New Atlantis, Spring 2008)
Benjamin R. Barber, “Shrunken Sovereign: Consumerism, Globalization, and American Emptiness” (World Affairs, Spring 2008)
Kerry Howley, “Vuitton Values” (Reason, March 2008)
Carolyn Y. Johnson, “The Joy of Boredom” (Boston Globe, 9 March 2008)
Adam Cohen, “What’s on TV Tonight? Humiliation to the Point of Suicide” (New York Times, 10 March 2008)
Laura M. Holson, “Text Generation Gap: U R 2 Old (JK)” (New York Times, 9 March 2008)
Alissa Quart, “When Girls Will Be Boys” (New York Times, 16 March 2008)
Sandra Aamodt and Sam Wang, “Tighten Your Belt, Strengthen Your Mind” (New York Times, 2 Apr. 2008)
Matt Richtel, “In The Web World of 24/7 Stress, Writers Blog Till They Drop” (New York Times, 6 Apr. 2008)
Randall Sreoss, “Struggling to Evade the E-Mal Tsunami” (New York Times, 29 Apr. 2008)
Chalmers Johnson, “A Litany of Horrors: America’s University of Imperialism” (TomDispatch.com, 29 April 2008)
Tom Geoghegan, “Why Are Girls Fighting Like Boys?” (BBC Magazine, 5 May 2008)
Marguerite Fields, “Want to Be My Boyfriend? Please Define” (New York Times, 4 May 2008)
Margaret Wente, “How Google Ate My Brain” (Globe and Mail, 17 June 2008)
Mark Pagel, “The Kindness of Strangers” (Prospect, June 2008)
Nicholas Carr, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” (Atlantic, July/August 2008)
Douglas Haddow, "Hipster: The Dead End of Western Civilization" (Adbusters, 29 July 2008)
Motoko Rich, “Literacy Debate: Online, R U Really Reading?” (New York Times, 27 July 2008)
Thomas H. Benton, “On Stupidity,” parts 1/2 (Chronicle of Higher Education, 1 Aug./5 Sep. 2008)
Robert Stickgold and Jeffrey M. Ellenbogen, “Sleep on It: How Snoozing Makes You Smarter” (Scientific American, Aug. 2008)
Clive Thompson, “Brave New World of Digital Intimacy” (New York Times, 7 Sep. 2008)
Charles Murray, “Are Too Many People Going to College?” (The American, 8 Sep. 2008)
John Tierney, “As Barriers Disappear, Some Gender Gaps Widen” (New York Times, 9 Sep. 2008)
Mark Bauerlein, “ Online Literacy Is a Lesser Kind” (Chronicle of Higher Education, 19 Sep. 2008)
Barbara Ehrenreich, “The Power of Negative Thinking” (New York Times, 23 Sep. 2008)
Theodore Dalrymple, “The Quivering Upper Lip” (City Journal, Autumn 2008)
Niall Ferguson, “Wall Street Lays Another Egg” (Vanity Fair, Dec. 2008)
John Tierney, “For Good Self-Control, Try Getting Religious About It” (New York Times, 30 Dec. 2008)
Jonah Lehrer, “How the City Hurts Your Brain … And What You Can Do About It” (Boston Globe, 2 Jan. 2009)
Jeff Madrick, “How We Were Ruined and What We Can Do” (New York Review of Books, 12 Jan. 2009)
Perri Klass, “Making Room for Miss Manners Is a Parenting Basic” (13 Jan. 2009)
Stanley Fish, “The Last Professor” (New York Times, 18 Jan. 2009)
Jerry Z. Muller, “Our Epistemological Depression” (American, 29 Jan. 2009)
Wayne Ambler, “Making Men Modern” (New Atlantis, Winter 2009)
Andrew Adam Newman, “The Body as Billboard: Your Ad Here” (New York Times, 17 Feb. 2009)
Philip D. Broughton, “Harvard’s Masters of the Apocalypse” (Sunday Times, 1 March 2009)
Matt Labash, “Down with Facebook!” (Weekly Standard, 16 March 2009)
Mark Buchanan, “Why Money Messes with Your Mind” (New Scientist, 18 March 2009)
Matt Taibbi, “The Big Takeover” (Rolling Stone, 19 March 2009)
Ruth Padawer, “Keeping Up With Being Kept” (New York Times Magazine, 12 Apr. 2009)
Laura Miller, “Why Can’t We Concentrate?” (Salon.com, 29 Apr. 2009)
Katie Hafner, “Texting May Be Taking a Toll” (New York Times, 25 May 2009)
Benjamin M. Friedman, “The Failure of the Economy and the Economists” (New York Review of Books, 28 May 2009)
John Lanchester, “It’s Finished” (London Review of Books, 28 May 2009)
Reihan Salam, “The Death of Macho” (Foreign Policy, 22 June 2009)
Matt Taibbi, “The Great American Bubble Machine” (Rolling Stone, 13 July 2009)
Lisa Katayama, “Love in 2-D” (New York Times, 21 July 2009)
Malcolm Gladwell, “Cocksure” (New Yorker, 27 July 2009)
Paul Krugman, “Rewarding Bad Actors” (New York Times, 2 Aug. 2009)
Tristrum Hunt, “Betting Shops and Strip Clubs Stand as Monuments to New Labour Morality” (Guardian, 6 Aug. 2009)
David Colman, “Hair, Hair, Hair, Hair, Hair, Hair” (New York Times, 12 Aug. 2009)
Emily Yoffe, “Seeking” (Slate, 12 Aug. 2009)
John Freeman, “Not So Fast: A Manifesto for Slow Communication” (Wall Street Journal, 21 Aug. 2009)
Drake Bennett, “Happiness: A Buyer’s Guide” (Boston Globe, 23 Aug. 2009)
Drew Gilpin Faust, “The University’s Crisis of Purpose” (New York Times, 6 Sep. 2009)
Jane Kramer, “Me, Myself, and I” (New Yorker, 7 Sep. 2009)
Paul Krugman, “How Did Economists Get It So Wrong?” (New York Times, 9 Sep. 2009)
Mark Slouka, “Dehumanized” (Harper’s, Sep. 2009)
Charlie Brooker, “Microsoft's Grinning Robots or the Brotherhood of the Mac. Which is Worse?” (Guardian, 28 Sep. 2009)
Charlie Brooker, “There's Too Much Stuff. We Live in a Stuff-a-Lanche. It's Time for a Cultural Diet” (Guardian, 5 Oct. 2009)
Robin Marantz Henig, “Understanding the Anxious Mind” (New York Times, 4 Oct. 2009)
Giles Morris, “If You Only Do One Thing This Week … Avoid Multitasking” (Guardian, 5 Oct. 2009)
Jonathan Safran Foer, “Against Meat” (New York Times, 11 Oct. 2009)
Eric Hoover, “The Millennial Muddle” (Chronicle of Higher Education, 11 Oct. 2009)
Peggy Orenstein, “Stop Your Search Engines” (New York Times, 25 Oct. 2009)
Jamais Cascio, “Filtering Reality” (Atlantic, Nov. 2009)
Tom Kington, “Gore Galore as Italian Opera Houses Woo Slasher-Movie Generation” (Guardian, 8 Nov. 2009)
Thomas Mallon, "Possessed [Ayn Rand]" (New Yorker, 9 Nov. 2009)
James Collins, “What Would Jane Do?” (Wall Street Journal, 14 Nov. 2009)
Stephanie Saul, “Building a Baby, with Few Ground Rules” (New York Times, 13 Dec. 2009)
George Scialabba, “Taking Liberties,” (National, 10 Dec. 2009)
David Brooks, “The Protocol Society” (New York Times, 22 Dec. 2009)
Iain McGilcrist, “The Battle of the Brain” (Wall Street Journal, 2 Jan. 2010)
John Cloud, “Why Your DNA Isn’t Your Destiny” (Time, 6 Jan. 2010)
Douglas Haddow, "Post-Advertising Advertising" (Adbusters, 18 Jan. 2010)
Douglas Haddow, "Relationships in Late Capitalism" (Adbusters, 22 Jan. 2010)
Drake Bennett, “Easy = True” (Boston Globe, 31 Jan. 2010)
Fred Pearce, “The Population Crash” (Guardian, 1 Feb. 2010)
Natalie Angier, “Abstract Thoughts? The Body Takes Them Seriously” (New York Times, 2 Feb. 2010)
Kristen Haunss, “Bankers Enter ‘Dungeon of Pain’ to Cut Stress in Ultimate Fight” (Bloomberg, 3 Feb. 2010)
Susan Greenfield vs. Vaughan Bell, “Fight Club: Is Screen Culture Damaging Our Children’s Brains?” (Times, 4 Feb. 2010)
Theodore Dalrymple, “Please Feel My Pain” (New English Review, Feb. 2010)
Alex Williams, “The New Math on Campus” (New York Times, 5 Feb. 2010)
Charlotte Allen, “The New Dating Game” (Weekly Standard, 15 Feb. 2010)
Douglas Haddow, "The Coming Barbarism" (Adbusters, 26 Feb. 2010)
Charlotte Raven, “How the New Feminism Went Wrong” (Guardian, 6 March 2010)
Michael Lewis, "Shorting Reform" (New York Times, 28 May 2008)
Michael Lewis, “The End” (Portfolio, 11 Nov. 2008)
Michael Lewis, “The Man Who Crashed the World” (Vanity Fair, Aug. 2009)
Michael Lewis, “Betting on the Blind Side” (Vanity Fair, Apr. 2010)
Michael Lewis, “Beware of Greeks Bearing Bonds” (Vanity Fair, Oct. 2010)
Michael Lewis, “When Irish Eyes Are Crying” (Vanity Fair, March 2011)
Michael Lewis, “Wall Street on the Tundra” (Vanity Fair, April 2011)
Bradford McKee, “Growing up Denatured” (New York Times, 28 Apr. 2005)
Gene Weingarten, “Pearls before Breakfast” Washington Post (8 Apr. 2007)
Caleb Crain, “Twilight of the Books” (New Yorker, 24 Dec. 2007)
Stephanie Rosenbloom, “Generation Me vs. You Revisited” (New York Times, 17 Jan. 2008)
Naomi Klein, “China’s All-Seeing Eye” (Rolling Stone, 14 March 2011)
Robert Nadeau, “The Economist Has No Clothes” (Scientific American, 25 March 2008)
Edmund S. Higgins, “The New Genetics of Mental Illness” (Scientific American Mind, June/July 2008)
Douglas Haddow, “Hipster: The Dead End of Western Civilization” (Adbusters, 29 July 2008)
Christine Rosen, “People of the Screen” (New Atlantis, Fall 2008)
Kay S. Hymowitz, “Love in the Time of Darwinism” (City Journal, Autumn 2008)
Louis Menand, “Thumbspeak” (New Yorker, 20 Oct. 2008)
Charles M. Blow, “The Demise of Dating” (New York Times, 13 Dec. 2008)
Stephen A. Marglin, “Why Economists Are Part of the Problem” (Chronicle of Higher Education, 27 Feb. 2009)
Sven Birkerts, “Resisting the Kindle” (Atlantic, March 2009)
Peter Whybrow, “Dangerously Addictive” (Chronicle of Higher Education, 13 March 2009)
Carlin Romano, “Will the Book Survive Generation Text?” (Chronicle of Higher Education, 29 Aug. 2009)
Sam Anderson, “Mrs. Logic” (New York Magazine, 18 Oct. 2009)
Mark Bauerlein, “Screen Reading and Print Reading” (Chronicle of Higher Education, 21 Oct. 2009)
Tamar Lewin, “If Your Kids Are Awake, They Are Probably Online” (New York Times, 20 Jan. 2010)
Kristina Fiore, “Addictions, Bad Habits Can ‘Hijack’ Brain” (ABC News, 31 Jan. 2010)
Kathleen Doheny, “Sleep and Do Better” (Business Week, 31 Jan. 2010)
CBC News, “Junk Food Addiction May Change Brain” (29 March 2010)
Jeff Robbins, “Missing the Big Picture” (New Atlantis, Spring 2010)
Judith Warner, “The Why-Worry Generation” (New York Times, 13 Apr. 2010)
Ashley Parker, “All the Obama 20-Somethings” (New York Times, 26 Apr. 2010)
Hilary Stout, “Antisocial Networking” (New York Times, 30 April 2010)
David Segal, “Is Italy Too Italian?” (New York Times, 28 May 2010)
Laura Miller, “’Young Romantics’: Bohemians Behaving Badly” (Salon, 30 May 2010)
Matt Richtel, “Attached to Technology and Paying a Price” (New York Times, 6 June 2010)
Matt Richtel, “Digital Devices Deprive Brain of Needed Downtime” (New York Times, 24 Aug. 2010)
Graham, “Silly Things We Believe about Witches, Obama, and More” (Newsweek, 24 Aug. 2010)
Jay Caspian Kang, “The High Is Always the Pain and the Pain Is Always the High” (Morning News, 8 Oct. 2010)
Sven Birkerts, “You Are What You Click” (American Interest, Oct. 2010)
Charlie Brooker, “How to Cut Tuition Fees” (Guardian, 20 Dec. 2010)
Hanna Rosin, “The End of Men” (Atlantic, July/Aug. 2010)
Robin Marantz Henig, "What Is It About 20-Somethings?" (New York Times, 18 Aug. 2010)
Judith Shulevitz, “The Tolstoy of the Internet Era: Jonathan Franzen’s Freedom Is an Epic Map of Our Imprisonment” (Slate, 30 Aug. 2010)
Gwendolyn Bounds, "How Handwriting Trains the Brain" (Wall Street Journal, 5 Oct. 2010)
James Surowiecki, “Later: What Does Procrastination Tell Us about Ourselves?” (New Yorker, 11 Oct. 2010)
Jonah Lehrer, “The Truth Wears off” (New Yorker, 13 Dec. 2010)
Caitlin Flanagan, “The Hazards of Duke” (Atlantic, Jan./Feb. 2011)
Chrystia Freeland, “The New Global Elite,” Atlantic (Jan./Feb. 2011)
Gerry Garibaldi, “Nobody Gets Married Any More, Mister” (City Journal, Winter 2011)
Joshua Foer, “Secrets of a Mind-Gamer” (New York Times Magazine, 15 Feb. 2011)
Evan Hughes, “The Meet Market” (New Republic, 1 March 2011)
P. Z. Myers, “David Brooks’ Dream World for the Trust-Fund Set” (Salon, 4 March 2011)
Paul Mattic, “Capitalism’s Dismal Future” (Chronicle of Higher Education’ 13 March 2011)
Nathan Thornburgh, “Change We Can (Almost) Believe in” (Time, 10 Apr. 2011)
Gary Taubes, “Is Sugar Toxic?” (New York Times, 13 Apr. 2011)
James Vlahos, “Is Sitting a Lethal Activity?” (New York Times, 14 Apr. 2011)
Maggie Jones, “How Little Sleep Can You Get away with?” (New York Times, 15 Apr. 2011)
David Carr, “Keep Your Thumbs Still while I Am Talking to You” (New York Times, 15 Apr. 2011)
Sabrina Tavernise, “Ohio County Losing Its Young to Painkillers’ Grip” (New York Times, 19 Apr. 2011)
Benjamin Wallace-Wells, “What Is Left of the Left?” (New York Magazine, 24 Apr. 2011)
John Tierney, “A Generation’s Vanity, Heard through Lyrics” (New York Times, 26 Apr. 2011)
Caitlin Dewey, “Even in Real Life, There Were Screens between Us” ( New York Times, 28 Apr. 2011)
Joseph E. Stiglitz, “Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%” (Vanity Fair, May 2011)
John Gapper, “Half-Baked News from Abbottabad” (Financial Times, 4 May 2011)
Stephen Clarke, "Droit du Dirty Old Men" (New York Times, 17 May 2011)
Bill Keller, "The Twitter Trap" (New York Times, 18 May 2011)
David Glenn, "The Default Major: Skating Through B-School" (New York Times, 14 Apr. 2011)
Kim Brooks, "Death to High School English" (Salon, 10 May 2011)
Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa, "Your So-Called Education" (New York Times, 14 May 2011)
Daniel Akst, “Commit Yourself: Self-Control in the Age of Abundance” (Reason, May 2011)
Bill Keller, "The Twitter Trap" (New York Times, 18 May 2011)
Jonathan Franzen, "Liking Is for Cowards. Go for What Hurts." (New York Times, 28 May 2011)
David Brooks, "It's Not about You" (New York Times, 30 May 2011)
Marie Myung-Ok Lee, "Perverse Incentives" (Atlantic, June 2011)
Ed Pilkington, "Pharmageddon: How America Got Hooked on Killer Prescription Drugs" (Guardian, 9 June 2011)
Dave Mosher, "High Wired: Does Addictive Internet Use Restructure the Brain?" (Scientific American, 17 June 2011)
Paul Bloom,”I'm O.K., You're a Psychopath” (New York Times, 17 June 2011)
Marcia Angell, "The Epidemic of Mental Illness: Why" (New York Review of Books, 23 June 2011)
Sue Halpern, “Mind Control and the Internet” (New York Review of Books, 23 June 2011)
Zoe Williams, "Feminism in the 21st Century" (Guardian, 24 June 2011)
David H. Freedman, “The Triumph of New-Age Medicine,” (Atlantic, July/August 2011)
Erica Long, "Is Sex Passe?" (New York Times, 9 July 2011)
Tara Parker-Rope, "When Fatty Feasts Are Driven by Automatic Pilot" (New York Times, 11 July 2011)
Josh Haliday, "Facebook and Twitter Fuel iPhone and BlackBerry Addiction, Says Ofcom" (Guardian, 4 Aug. 2011)
Anahad O'Connor, "How Tanning Changes the Brain" (New York Times, 12 Aug. 2011)
Nicholas Carr, “Does the Internet Make You Dumber?” (Wall Street Journal, 5 June 2010)
Sharon Begley, “Can You Build a Better Brain?” (Daily Beast, 3 Jan. 2011)
Sharon Begley, “I Can’t Think!” (Daily Beast, 27 Feb. 2011)
Mark Edmundson, “Health Now” (Chronicle of Higher Education, 31 July 2011)
James Gleick, “How Google Dominates Us” (New York Review of Books, 18 Aug. 2011)
Jonathan Milles, “The Billionaire King of Techtopia” (Details, Sep. 2011)
Ingrid D. Rowland, “Letter from Italy: Scandal among the Plutocrats” (New York Review of Books, 24 Aug. 2011)
Jennifer B. Lee, “Generation Limbo: Waiting it out” (New York Times, 31 Aug. 2011)
John Gray, “The Revolution of Capitalism” (BBC News Magazine, 3 Sep. 2011)
Jay Marrick, “PoMo: Everybody’s Doing It” (Independent, 12 Sep. 2011)
Steve Yates, “The Sound of Capitalism” (Prospect, 21 Sep. 2011)
Gretchen Reynolds, “How Exercise Can Strengthen the Brain” (NYT, 28 Sep. 2011)
Michael Lewis, “It’s the Economy, Dummkopf!” (Vanity Fair, Sep. 2011)
Jennifer Szalai, “Buying Tomorrow” (Lapham’s Quarterly, Fall 2011)
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