Much research in
psychology and neuroscience has found that we have a virtually limitless
ability to rationalize problems away. A case in point is the argument offered by
Aaron Hurst on a few weeks ago (“Being ‘Good’ Isn’t the Only Way to Go”). He
begins by noting that many members of the corporate work force apparently
struggle to find purpose in their work, so they look for meaning elsewhere – often
in volunteering. But they should not really need to do this. In Hurst’s
experience, the “satisfaction” employees “expressed” from non-paid work “came from contributing to something greater than themselves, but was also about the opportunity for self-expression
and personal growth that such work enabled.” The solution? Just give everyone the
impression that they are achieving the latter part of this compound formula for
job satisfaction, and they won’t be distracted by search for meaning elsewhere.
And, by the way, work in the non-profit sector can be unsatisfying in its own
In Hurst’s words, “companies such as Cornerstone Capital Group have begun to
adopt changes to increase employee purpose.” One CEO told him “that she asked her employees whether they had a good day and
to identify moments that made it so. She then works with them to refine their
job, making small adjustments to change their engagement at work and boost
their meaning.” So this is the takeaway from the whole argument: all you need to
resolve the meaninglessness of modern work (and perhaps life) is a few “small
adjustments.” Yet another “cultural contradiction” of capitalism solved in an
ingenious way. Hurst is a successful entrepreneur who has run “a nonprofit that enrolls professionals in pro bono service
and builds volunteer programs for companies.” He has also published a book on “the
purpose economy.” So he should know.